Systems and Structures
The REACH team is committed to facilitating the district’s and school’s development of systems and structures. The effectiveness of any organization is highly dependent on the ability to make purposeful connections between departments and staff in order to achieve robust goals that lead to high student achievement. Oftentimes, districts and schools create protocols, activities, and structures that do not converge and ultimately impede the ability to make progress.
Our experienced consultants are ready and able to provide services that include:
Strategic Planning and Implementation: We conduct comprehensive environmental assessments and multi-year action plans
School-wide Effective Use of Data: We guide conversations around identifying problems of practice and the organization and use of data
School Culture Development and Improvement Program: We work alongside the school leaders (administrators and teacher leaders) to develop a plan to create the culture necessary to develop the staff commitment necessary for continuous improvement and success
Surveys: We develop teacher, students, and family perception surveys | We administer and evaluate 360° Surveys that provide robust information about leaders
REACH Focused School Walks and Power Concepts: We use our unique protocols and materials to norm understandings and practices in every school
District and School: Comprehensive District and School Reviews using the DTSDE or DROCLSD protocols