REACH Focused School Walks Program™ (FSWP) is one of our signature programs that the President and CEO of REACH© created and used to turn around the school she led in Harlem.
In this program, focused walks take place on a monthly basis beginning in October and ending in May. The concepts of the walks uniquely align to the school's goals, values, and any review processes used to evaluate the school. In New York State, the REACH Focus School Walks Program™ aligns to the practices and strategies aligned to the Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness rubric. The REACH Focus School Walks Program™ for districts and schools outside of New York State are aligned to the practices and strategies found in the REACH Diagnostic Review for Optimal Conditions of Learning in Schools and Districts™. A meeting with the staff that explains the focus of the month, why that focus is necessary, and the intended outcome of the focus precedes the walks. During the meeting, the school community receives a detailed write-up of the monthly focus and is given an opportunity to discuss the strengths that already exist in the school that can be used to help each staff member successfully contribute how to achieve the goals of the concepts. The walk takes place approximately 3-4 weeks after the staff meeting. During the walk, teachers, school leaders, and support staff members visit classrooms to note the ways in which staff use the concept during the instructional time with students.