School Culture Development Improvement Program
The federal government, via IDEA, has strongly recommended Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) as a framework to prevent disruptive behavior and support students’ development of self-monitoring, correction, and effective decision-making. REACH© has developed a specific program to assist school leaders with addressing school culture and student behavior.
This program aligns to the five principles highlighted effective PBIS frameworks: universal screening (REACH climate survey), continuous progress monitoring (classroom checkpoint cards, homework planner, and the REACH Character Board, etc.), data-based decision-making (student workbook and Turquoise Squad book series), implementation fidelity (REACH facilitator), and evidence-based interventions (REACH referral ladder).
Through an outlined approach for change, a REACH© facilitator will take a school community through the steps of self-assessment to action planning aligned to the results of the assessment, and implementation of the action plan. The impact of an explicit plan and approach to address a school's culture can lead to increased effectiveness of staff performance, family engagement and student achievement.
The Reimagine Excellence and Achievement in CHILDREN (REACH) Character Program™ is a Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) that incorporates research-based approaches to addressing students’ behavior.

This program is grounded in a book series that follows a group of urban children through issues they encounter in schools and their neighborhoods. To create this system of support, our REACH Character Program™ includes:
1 REACH school flag™
1 REACH school entry banner™
1 REACH Character Program™ school board banner
Up to 2 copies: REACH school leader curriculum and activity binder
Up to 5 copies per school: REACH school support curriculum and activity binder)
15 copies: REACH© book of the month posters (to be placed strategically around the school)
Up to 25: REACHitution posters™
Up to 25: REACH Character Board (per classroom)™
Up to 25 copies: REACH teacher curriculum and activity binder
Up to 25 per school: REACH classroom entryway poster™
1 of each title per class (up to 250 per class):The Turquoise Squad series© books of the month (per class)
1 of each per title per class (up to 250 per class): REACH© book of the month graphic organizers
Up to 750 copies: REACH student workbook™
Up to 750 copies: REACH student homework planner™
Up to 750 sets: REACH student lesson checkpoint cards™
Up to 750 per monthL REACH monthly family guides and letters™
Up to 750: REACHitution contracts™