Teacher Team Development Program
Teacher teams are becoming one of the most popular ways school leaders are attempting to address teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Even though there is no doubt that increased and consistent opportunities for professional conversations and peer feedback are ways to help teachers improve their decisions and practice, many school communities continue to struggle to set up protocols to provide these structures for teachers. The REACH Teacher Team Development Programâ„¢ (TTDP) assists the school or districts with developing effective teacher teams that lead to increased and better teacher communication, peer assistance, shared accountability, and improved data-based decisions aligned to instructional practice. Our program is a unique blend of assisting teacher teams and individual visits to classes that aim to determine the ways in which teachers are incorporating recommendations and decisions made during teacher team meetings in their everyday practice. The class visits result in a REACH Jotâ„¢ that the teacher is encouraged to use to inform their practice. Schools have the ability to select a monthly or bi-monthly visitation schedule. There is also an optional 3-session workshop package that focuses on the research and theories that support teacher teams and development via an adult-development team..