Creating Future Leaders for Your District and School

Building A Leadership Bench
Our School Leader Bench Program™ (SLBP) develops a group of homegrown leaders from the district and school's current staff to be future school leaders. The program is grounded in research and guides the participants through experiences that merge theory and practice. This year-long program is structured so that full-time employees can continue their traditional roles while attending 3 program classes from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. after-school weekly. The district is required to arrange for participants’ release from their traditional duties 8 days throughout the year. Participants spend the 8 days visiting school sites and problem-solving real issues identified during a school visit. This program also requires a commitment to a summer and spring break intensive that span one week and 3 days, respectively.
REACH© provides job-embedded coaching for every participant. The coaches visit the participant at their traditional job site 8 times during the school year beginning in October and ending in May. The visits consist of an observation of the participant leading their REACH Focused-Job Project™ (FJP). Participants write their FJP™ during the summer intensive; the immediate supervisor approves the FJP™ by September, and the participant begins implementation in October. The REACH SLBP™ uses and coaches participants through project-based scenarios aligned to curriculum development, use of data, family engagement, teacher effectiveness, and culture building.