Michael Selkis
Micheal Selkis
is a lifelong educator and is a staunch advocate for all children. He has over 25 years of experience as a teacher, a principal, Superintendent and education consultant.
Currently, Michael is supporting several school districts in teacher effectiveness through time analysis and quantitative tagging of question vitality. Additionally, Michael supports a variety of educational initiatives across the country, including Implicit Bias training for the National Training Institute on Race and Equity, principal leadership development/coaching and school strategic planning. Michael is a coach and mentor to principals and superintendents throughout New York focusing on systems thinking and change dynamics. Michael is a recognized school programming expert. Recently, he programmed all of the Mt. Vernon School District and he is currently the lead consultant supporting the NYCDOE’s PE Works Initiative in re-programming 630 K-5 and 6-8 schools. He was the NY State Director for the National Center on Time and Learning focusing on supporting NYSED and the Governor’s office implementation of the Expanded Learning Time Initiative in NYC, Rochester, Syracuse and Yonkers. Prior to that, Michael worked as a Network Leader for NYCDOE public schools, overseeing and managing the instructional and overall operations of a network of 25 schools ranging from Pre K-12th grade in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan.
Michael also served as Senior Director of School Development, Support and National School Reform for FHI360, where he was responsible for integrating the work and development of his new student data system, Datavention, that tracked both academic student progress as well as social/emotional data and utilized a system of symbiotic components to ensure that students are connected to appropriate instructional methods and interventions. His work also includes working for the NYCDOE assisting in implementing the Teacher Effectiveness Pilot. Prior to working at the NYCDOE and FHI360, Michael was a principal in New York and was the founding principal for a new alternative Ed school for at-risk youth in San Francisco.
Michael has consulted for Classroom INC, helping them develop blended learning models to better integrate technology in the classroom and he was a mentor/coach and facilitator for 5 cohorts of NYCDOE school administrators for The School Leaders Network.
He spent time in Poland with the Peace Corps and also lived in Mexico for two years, teaching English and directing an English school. He taught in Raleigh, North Carolina and San Francisco, CA. and has been a school administrator in Cambridge, Massachusetts, San Francisco, CA and NY.
He has also served as a guest speaker and panelist at many national and local symposiums.
Specialties: Special Education, Differentiated Learning and Assessment, Change Dynamics, Organizational Theory and Applied Adult Development Theory.
Michael received his B.A. in political science at St. Michael's College. Additionally, he has earned a master’s degrees from Quinnipiac University, Harvard University, and Columbia University and is currently finishing his doctorate in Urban Education School Reform and Policy at Teachers College, Columbia University.